Thursday, November 19, 2009


I was feeling kind of home sick today and was looking through my pictures of East Texas.  Even though I'm from Denton, I consider East Texas to be a home for me...  And this picture really makes me think of that.  I hope you like it.

Maybe I'll upload some more... nostalgia later.  Haha.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


If you know me, you know I love love love candid shots!  After the "P" Family's photo-shoot, they had a big meal together.  This kiddo ate lots of watermelon and got just as much all over himself!

The Porter Family (continued)

I was looking through this family's pictures again, and I couldn't help but post some of these.  They're just way too cute to keep all to myself!  Enjoy. :)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I saw these cute little kids feeding the ducks and I just happened to have my camera with me.  It's too bad I only had a few minutes... I really would have liked to spend some time getting some more shots of them.  :)  It's always the small moments like these that we remember.


This is a picture I was asked to take for a flyer. :)  You can't see her holding the bubble baton, but the point gets across nonetheless.

The Smith Family

This little girl and her parents were so cute!  Little "B" was adorable with her expressions and her toy cars.

The Porter Family

Yes, I'm quite aware that that isn't really a word, but it's the only one that fits.  This family is huge!  We've got three complete generations here--quite a feat for this family.  I didn't include one of the entire family because I saved that one just for the family.  :)

A family within the family.

And my personal favorite: the grandparents and grandchildren. :)


This girl could hardly stop laughing!  And I love her orange head-band.  She gave me a lot of colors to work with.